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Connect with farmers, ranchers, and experts in soil health, crops, livestock, and water management.
The Forum is for anyone with an interest in the future of agriculture. Whether you’re looking to improve on or innovate existing practices, the Forum has resources and networking opportunities for you.
2025 Keynote Speakers
Founder/President, Shaniko Wool Company
Jeanne is leading an economic and rural revival by emphasizing traditional skills, food origins, and strengthening local supply chains. At her family's Imperial Stock Ranch (est. 1871), she and her late husband Dan shifted from selling commodity lamb and wool to retailing ecologically sensitive products. As the founder of Shaniko Wool Company, she has expanded the market for RWS certified American wool by collaborating with ranchers, designers, brands, and U.S. supply partners. Through the Carbon Initiative, she is investing in research to highlight the positive ecosystem impacts of Shaniko Wool Company ranches on the American landscape.
With the founding of Shaniko Wool Company, she has overseen the expansion of RWS certified American wool into a variety of products and markets by working first with the ranchers, and with designers, brands and exclusively U.S. supply chain partners. Jeanne believes the most important story she has shared is how well-managed herds of grazing animals on their ranch have revitalized grasses and contributed to healing streams and the restoration of traditional salmon runs in Buckhollow Creek, a major tributary to the designated wild and scenic Deschutes River.
With the Carbon Initiative, she is investing in the research and measured and verified results of an even greater story: the positive ecosystem impacts of Shaniko Wool Company ranches across a broader piece of the American landscape.
Wool’s Forgotten Legacy: A Journey of Renewal
Jeanne will share her family’s powerful story of adaptation in natural resource management and the evolving wool market by shedding light on the timeless, often unseen labor in agriculture that feeds and clothes the world. Hear her reflections on navigating challenges, criticisms, and the deep passion that drives this essential work.
Founder, Integrity Soils INC
Since 1999 Nicole has been involved in regenerative food systems. Throughout that 20+ years as an educator, nothing excites her more than passing on her passion for regenerative soil stewardship. Although she is formally trained in soil science, organizational learning, pattern thinking, and adult education, she believes our personal experiences are what matters most in creating transformation.
In a diverse range of sectors from farming to composting to raising livestock and beyond, she's learned to regularly ask the question “What would nature do?” And she's discovered that many answers lie in the soil. Vital and functioning soils bestow benefits not just to the people directly on the land, but across all of society and the planet. When we (literally) get our hands dirty, it changes the way we view our relationship to each other and the world.
It Takes a Village
Building soil health is a journey as personal and unique as raising a child. How can we navigate this journey to the best of our skills and abilities, to create something that has benefits far beyond the farm/ranch gate? How can working with our communities reduce the load? Nicole will shine a light on communities that have shifted the conversation and are taking actions towards resilience, health, wealth and wellbeing.
As a young and aspiring farmer, the conference exposed me to just what I needed: experienced mentors and progressive ideas. With how much there was to offer, I would only encourage people to attend this conference every year.
— Eric R.
Thank you to all those who attended, shared, learned and connected at the 2024 Western CO Soil Health Food and Farm Forum! The response from our guests has been terrific, and we are thrilled to be able to continue offering access to our content digitally (click here to purchase). Special thanks to all of our sponsors and our planning committee, whose support and volunteer hours make this event possible. Click here to listen to KVNF’s roundup of the sounds and stories from the event (starting at 3:21).
Keynote speakers Joe and Jenn Wheeling, owners of James Ranch Beef, and Lesli Allison, CEO of Western Landowners Alliance.
Photo by Luanne Tyrrell
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Mesa Business Services
It begins with Soil Health!
Soil health is critical to the future of agricultural production on the Western Slope of Colorado. With a contingent of farmers as well as community groups and government officials, the Western Slope has been able to take soil health education and implementation techniques and specifically adjust them for the local area. As pressure on agricultural production increases, soil health practices can ensure that agricultural needs are met with sustainable production, quality and economic viability.
But that’s not all…
The Forum has a wide array of regionally-specific agricultural info in areas including maximizing livestock and crop production, innovative marketing and labor strategies, water management, and cultivating specialty crops.
We seek to promote the stewardship and development of our most precious resources - people, soil, and water - with the aim of advancing viable farms and ranches.
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