Valley Food Partnership
Located in the heart of Western Colorado’s Uncompahgre Valley, the Valley Food Partnership’s dedicated staff & volunteers work together to grow a healthy community by connecting local farms to local forks. VFP’s work has strengthened the regional food system and community well-being through education, access to quality local foods, and promotion of sustainable agricultural practices.
Shavano Conservation District
Directed by a volunteer Board of Supervisors who are forward looking agricultural producers and conservation-minded leaders, the Shavano Conservation District serves the community by providing expertise, funding, and education to protect and conserve natural resources in the present and in the future.
Colorado Regenerative Network
Colorado Regenerative Network is Coldharbour Institute’s Ag specific program, a learning laboratory where we demonstrate regenerative living practices that bring health to our bodies, land and communities. It is our mission to educate and empower youth and community members to make an impact in sustainability and regenerative solutions. We envision a thriving community that is restored, revitalized, and ultimately regenerated through our interactions with the land.
Rocky Mountain Farmers Union
RMFU is a division of the National Farmers Union. Our 20,000 member families live in communities across Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming, and these rural leaders work together to create better economic and social environments by finding common ground and seeking solutions to today’s challenges.
CSU Extension
Wherever you live, Extension’s job is to determine what issues are unique to each community and to offer sound and effective solutions. If it's a question about health, financial literacy, pasture or livestock management, weeds, pests or gardens, 4-H or youth development, renewable energy, elder or child-care issues, CSU Extension can connect you to the latest, most accurate data.
Soil Health Committee
A locally led team of soil professionals, ag producers, master gardeners and enthusiasts with a vision of improving soil health on the Western Slope.